
Israel Hour Radio – Episode #1194: Twenty Years Without Naomi Shemer

Episode #1194: 20 Years Without Naomi Shemer

In this special episode, we pay tribute to Naomi Shemer, one of Israel’s most beloved songwriters and composers, on the 20th anniversary of her passing. Often hailed as the “First Lady of Israeli Song,” Naomi Shemer’s music has left an indelible mark on Israeli culture. Join us as we celebrate her life and legacy through […]

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Israel Hour Radio – Episode #1192: Road Trip

Episode #1192: Road Trip

If you’re going on a ten hour road trip, and can only listen to ONE Israeli artist…who’s it gonna be? Such was the question we recently asked on Israeli Music Community, our popular Israeli music discussion group on Facebook. And, wow! Did we get some great responses! With the tragic news of the day still […]

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Israel Hour Radio – Episode #1191: Like The Old Days

Episode #1191: Like The Old Days

Remember the music of the ‘good old days’? You know, those blissful days before the world changed forever? We’re referring, of course, to the Israeli music released BEFORE October 7. Back then, Israeli songs were generally fun and light, with songs about love and relationships. Although the past several months have been chock full of […]

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Israel Hour Radio – Episode #1190: Israel’s High Holidays

Episode #1190: Israel's High Holidays

Each year, there is so much emotional Israeli music that emerges in commemoration of Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut. Between new original songs, musical tributes at state ceremonies, and performances at other events around the country, it can be difficult to keep up with it all. This year, however, was no ordinary year. Israel’s Memorial […]

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Israel Hour Radio – Episode #1189: From Darkness To Light

Episode #1189: From Darkness To Light

We recorded this episode moments before Yom HaZikaron began in Israel, not sure of what to expect in this very strange and difficult year. So much has happened since last year’s national ‘high holiday season’ in Israel. So much pain, so much fear, so much destruction, so much anxiety. How can we bear the burden […]

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Israel Hour Radio – Episode #1187: Why Is This Night Different?

Episode #1187: Why Is This Night Different?

Passover is here, and by all accounts, this year’s celebration will be a lot different than most years’. Like every year, we’ll gather around the seder table with family and friends. But this year, so many will be missing from the table. This year, we’ll save empty seats for hostages and for active soldiers, all […]

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